Friday, September 15, 2006

Notice of Special General Meeting...

**Notice to all body parts**

--There will be a special general meeting of all parts of my body this Saturday--

The purpose of this meeting is to resolve several issues and realign all areas to the current goals.

The agenda for this meeting follows:

1. Congratulation for work carried out so far. Increasing the cardio and cutting the calories on the harsh diet has started to work. So congrats all round on the good effort.

2. However, why stop? Whilst the hard work and dieting continued with the effort of brain, the team has been let down by the metabolism unit who have dropped the ball on reducing body fat. Brain is doing all the work, with the help of the legs but not much is happening. We are all working towards the same goal and would like to see an amalgamation between physique and the satellite department abs some time soon.

3. With the trip to the US coming up and Sleaze ball in a couple of weeks we all need to work together to achieve the goals as agreed. We did agree on the goals, ripped for sleaze and intensely ripped for US. Which means that you have to diet and consistently stick to the diet.
So why is brain allowing cravings and weakness to screw around with what we're trying to achieve? I can only do so much, without the cohesive cooperation of the team not much can happen. There is no "I" in TEAM people!!

4. We need to recommit to the plan of attack, reassociate with the mission statement, realign with the vision statements and focus on our synergy relationships. And if that doesn't work, we're going to grow all the body hair back and become a cub.

Please bring pen and paper to make notes at this meeting, tea and coffee will be available after the compulsory team building exercises.


At 11:30 AM, Blogger tino2 said...

I luv it... self-talk is the best for motivation--by the way, what schpiel might Dick deliver to the group?

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Single Guy said...

Can I come and cheer the team on! LOL

At 12:47 PM, Blogger NarcissusAU said...

Hahaha I re-read this entry to post responses to your responses and realised that whilst I wasn't trying to be 'funny' I was attempting 'humour'... neither of which were attained.
As for dick, I think his contribution would be fairly muted. Intelligent thought isn't what my dick is known for, it leads the team in some fairly stupid directions. hehehe


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