Sunday, August 13, 2006

So Here I Am...

So here I am, blogging from the Starbucks on Oxford St. I really do love this city and everything in it.
It took me 35 minutes to find somewhere to park my car, I didn’t mind one bit. I just love being in the city. And this time round its all the more exciting as I rolled past all the big office buildings down town Id look up through the moon roof and imagine working in one of the offices partially lit in the towering monoliths.
I was looking at possible jobs online this week and there are a bevy of jobs which are perfectly suited to my exact qualifications and experience. Which is amazing because my experience is in finance and my degrees are in marketing and business systems.
Anyway, Im sipping on my Caramel Iced coffee frappe chiller thing (can you tell we don’t have a starbucks where Im from??) and Im clapping away on my laptop as the world passes by. It’s a fantastic feeling of inclusion and a total feeling of this being where I truly belong. Its nice. I like it.
I can’t wait to move here, probably in the summer. Probably May. Im excited.


At 4:34 PM, Blogger Superdrewby said...

hehehehehe b- but starbucks?

I know it's conveient but it's starbucks!

mind you I was walking the animal right by there at about this time last night... oooh spooky stalker!

(me I meant)

At 5:35 PM, Blogger Single Guy said...

Sydney will never be the same with you! more muscle boys..that's all us single boys need:)

At 10:48 AM, Blogger NarcissusAU said...

Yeah, I know Drewby...Starbucks. But it seemed like a place that would be cool with me flipping out my laptop.
(Awww my very first stalker!! -warm fuzzy feeling!!)

And single guy, at least you've finished your detox now... a little temptation can't hurt ;-)

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Excellent, love it! »

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