Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What the hell?

I just got an email from my Gym buddy/lifting partner. Through his work he met someone who is very gay. During the course of their conversations they talked about Aussiebum clothing (who I have modeled for) and this gay guy has said that as far as he knows the clothing company is for gays and the models are predominantly gay. They also talked about my US trip (I don't know why?) and this gay guy has said that all the areas Im going to are gay "hot spots". They talked about other things and now my mate has emailed me to say that he has had suspicions before but this just got in his head. He wants to know if I gay.

What the hell? I only just told my first friend that I was gay last week, I wasn't planning on telling anymore people just yet. But now I get asked this question.

Wow, I guess Sagittarius must be entering the moon of Scorpio in transition with Fagarious....

All of the things that this guy has targeted as being "obviously gay" can all be argued easily as not having any meaning... Instead Ive sent him an email saying we will need to have a chat. (Which will basically tell him yes I am gay) Will be interesting to see what happens next, I must admit this has sent me through a loop. I really wasn't ready for this at all. But I think its all come too far to deny it any more.


At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm kinda going through the same thing. Straights thinking it's their business when it isn't. If we thought they should know we would tell them. Last time this happened everything I did became 'gay'. Pissed me off enough that I no longer speak to those people. If everything I did wasn't gay before why after knowing?

At 12:17 AM, Blogger NarcissusAU said...

Scott; Your so on the money! People thinking its their right to know or get a confirmation on their suspisions. Like just by asking you in the middle of the gym "So are you comming out yet?" your just gonna go "oh sure yeah, Im a big faggy fag everyone!"

Desertuzmati; I just want to say that this guy is a really nice guy who is married and I really don't think there is any mallice here. Although when we have our chat I will deff be talking to him about how much he's 'sharing' with his clients at work.

At 12:43 AM, Blogger tino2 said...

I must say I immediately thought what dezertuzmati said.

Tolerant people couldn't care less if someone is gay or not. Even after a friendly conversation about you with someone else in which it becomes apparent that you might be gay, why send a confrontational e-mail?

I hope everything goes well Narcisus.

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Superdrewby said...

Actally this may be your friend's way of saying hey I think you might be gay and that's cool, we are friends so tell me.....

It's easier to be out than closeted and even if we do hit some bumps as we come out we gain more self understanding as we do come out.

Mind you to tell someone is your business and you shoudln't be pushed into it, but if yu lie to your mates mow i could cause more harm in the long run

At 9:12 AM, Blogger NarcissusAU said...

Drewby; To quote a blockbuster movie..."Your Good! Your Very Good!" I think thats what he was trying to say, it wasn't a confrontational email and kinda had a 'seeking closure' on the issue kinda feeling.
We will see how we go on this one....

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Sue said...

Some straight people can really be shitty about stuff like this. At my last job, this bitch manager pointed out all of the gay employees (I'll never know why) for my information. What business of it was hers to do that?

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Superdrewby said...

good luck - sometimes we do things in such funny ways because we don't know how to say what's really on our minds. Silly aren't we :)

But hey if we all had fantastic communication skills God we would be boring!


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